Monday, August 4, 2008

The Prologue.

Yeah. Use boring titles for exciting posts and use interesting titles for boring posts.
That is how the world should be.

Contradiction, that's what I know I'm good at. Even I contradict my own words from time to time, not thinking before I speak. And in order to let others know my inner-most thoughts and ideas (great or not), with utmost care and thought I present to you this page. My page wherein you would probably laugh, cry, sing, and dance with me. I am not telling anyone to listen to my non-sense words. I'm just telling you that YOU will have a front row seat to the story of another person's life.

I am a person *I will not state my name. Losing interest? Then you are free to leave* who can love, hate, smile, and frown just like any other person. AND I am a girl, in love with another.

Yes, I am a lesbian, a freak, a disgrace, or whatever you wish to call my 'kind'. But I am a woman, who knows how to love. I reject reality and choose to live in a world wherein I AM FREE. I hate the society we have today. And I hate living in a world where I am treated as if I'm not human, a toy being manipulated perhaps.

Emo? Well, I don't see it as that. I am merely expressing myself and am simply telling you a little bit about me.

This is just the beginning. You'll be reading MORE dramatic, MORE emotional, and MORE posts on my being 'liberated', so to speak.

I will also be posting some of my literary 'works' *which I call lit crap.* just for people to have something to un-bore them.
