Saturday, October 11, 2008

Why must the good die young?

About two months ago, I lost a friend of mine to a river.

Yes. I lost a friend to the stupid river's current.

Yes, she died.

And yes, I was so fucking sad.

I don't know... Why do the good people die young?

Her name was Zulaika Rivera. She liked to sing, she was a religious girl, she was fun to be with, she was a good friend, AND she was true to herself. She didn't pretend to be someone she's not, she didn't care whether others thought badly of her.

Our friendship may have been short lived (One year at least), but I would live the rest of my life remembering the times we spent together.

But why? Why so soon? Why did God let that happen?

To tell you the truth, I don't fact, nobody would know why her life was taken.

Is it God's Plan?

What?! A plan for her to die??? I think not...maybe it was just circumstance.

Bah. This post is making me sound very emotional. So I'll just end it here.

I just hope that she's in a safe place. I hope she's happy wherever she is...

And to her family..I give you my condolences...

I'll miss you, Eeka. :(