Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Disappointment. (A Subjective criticism on the movie, Twilight)

That would be the one word that would encapsulate everything I feel after watching the movie rendition of Twilight.

Just for you to know, I have read the book, and I am one of those few people who think of Twilight as bad literature.

Why? Because the oh-so-great author decided to focus more on the archetypal factors in the story; such as, the "Perfect Man", the "Damsel in distress", "Forbidden Love", etc....but that would be another topic. I'll just focus on the Movie for now =P.

First off, Robert Pattinson played Edward quite well, but for me he doesn't look the part. Come on...the one who played Edward should at least look handsome from EVERY ANGLE. (Observe his face throughout the movie so that you'd know what I mean) Kristen Stewart, on the other hand, didn't portray Bella well. While watching, it was evident that she didn't give her heart into acting Bella. There's this sense of hesitation whenever she speaks her lines (She was supposed to be madly IN LOVE with Edward, and I couldn't even feel that she was. *I'm even a very sensitive person when it comes to movies*:|) Another thing was that she played Bella as the "Aggressive one", when she was supposed to be this goodie-two-shoes girl.
If the two main characters weren't even cast right, that kills the act right there.

Now, the lines, good Lord. The beautiful, poetic, and sweet exchange of words that happened between Bella and Edward just went down the drain. God, it was like they rushed every single line. Not much emotion. Not much love. Not much reaction from me.

Another thing was that the scenes were too choppy. There'd be times when the transitions between scenes would just put you off and say "What's happening now?" *Remember: Not everyone who watched the movie have read the book.*

I remember that, in the book, the Cullen Family's house was this large-white-amazing-and-jaw-dropping-mansion, while in the movie, it was just this little house on the mountain with mirrors as walls. (I know, the movie adaptation shouldn't be expected to be the same as what's in the book but I was disappointed at the fact that even the few beautiful things in the story were changed...for the worse)

I'm a sucker for romance movies, but this is just too disappointing for me. The wonderful world that revolves around these creatures was set only as the background to the love story of two people from very different worlds. (Isn't Meyer's concept on the world of vampires sooo coooool??) BUT, I didn't even feel their love...so what was the point after all?

Gah. Enough of this crap I'm writing. I have so much more I'd like to say...but I'm out of time.

Just a few words of crappy wisdom...If I, a mere viewer and reader who viewed the book as 'bad', was disappointed with the few good points I expected from the movie, what about the others? The ones who expected much, much more.

*For the good points of the story (as I can remember)...
- Peter Facinelli was the PERFECT actor for the role, Carlisle.
- The scene where Bella was about to leave his dad.
- The extreme baseball scene.
- The Soundtrack.....

Let me just share my favorite song from the movie...

Super Massive Blackhole - Muse

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