Sunday, September 14, 2008

Lost and Found

This is another write-up I found in my old files here. Comments please :).


She was walking down the 18th avenue, grieving for the loss of a loved one, alone. Along this road, she saw a lot of things that reminded her of ‘their’ past. She saw a hair salon called ‘The Hairy Edge’ and then and there, she remembered her memories with him. They used to go there together whenever he thought that she needed a new haircut. He would always want to see her new look and tell her that she looks beautiful, and as always, she would try to convince him that she wasn’t. Though in her heart, she knew that he meant it. And as they argued, little by little, without realizing it, their lips were just inches apart…back to reality, she smiles and goes on her way.

Now, distinctly she sees police cars everywhere because it seems that there has been a robbery at the guitar store. Not minding all the chaos, she remembers how he loved guitars. She’d sometimes get jealous and think that he loved guitars more than he loved her. She’d have this stern look on her face, and then sweetly, he’d say “If I ever lost my guitar I could easily buy a new one. But if I ever lost you, I’d never be able to find another. I’d simply feel incomplete and eventually, die.”

She continued to walk and saw two children chasing each other across the street and remembered how they would run after each other and when she could, she would try to hide. But, her ‘great-hidden-super-secret-hiding-places’ never worked for him. With a smug smile, he’ll say, “Brilliant, what a great hiding place. Tell me, how do you do it?” sarcastically. Then she would act like she was angry and he’d always say sorry. And as usual, they’ll end up ok.

As she walks, she sees this old sign with the words ‘Dance and leap’ and she remembered in an instant what these words mean to her. This was where they had their first dance and their first date. She cried as she saw the sign and stared at the words. She remembered when he said that “This may not be the ideal ‘date’ place for you. This is not like a five-star restaurant or something but this is the only place where I know I could be with you, alone. I thought of arranging this dinner with all pink candles and the other stuff you wanted because I wanted to remember this day for the rest of my life, because I spent it with you”…she then wiped her tears and went on.

She peeped through a small window and she saw a woman, sick, lying on her bed with a man holding her hand as if he was praying to God that she would get better. This reminded her of how he took care of her whenever she was sick. He’d always have this calm face, as if he was thinking. Though she can sense that, deep inside, he’s worried sick about her. He took care of her, he cooked for her, he gave her medicine, and he told her to rest and whispered in her ear that everything would be ok. He’d pray for her every night and whenever she wakes up, she’ll see him asleep, holding her hand…Pushing her tears back, she thought, everything was but a memory to her now.

She goes farther on reaching the end of the road when she noticed a man sitting on a bench, reading a newspaper. Curiously she sat down beside him. His face was covered with the newspaper he was reading when she asked him, “Mister, what are you reading about?” he answered, “Oh, this? I was reading about the Dance and Leap, I wonder what happened to that place. You see, me and my girl---“. Her heart was rushing, pounding hard. Thoughts flooded her mind as this man spoke. “This man, his voice…it just can’t be…All this time?...” she thought. And without thinking she took the newspaper and threw it. She moved forward to him, held the man tightly in her arms. She was sobbing hard and shakingly said “I’d know that voice from anywhere…I…I thought—“, he interrupted, “that I’d really be gone forever? I wouldn’t let that happen you know. I told my parents that I didn’t want to go, and well, they sort of disowned me already. But who cares, I’m with you now. And we’d be together for the rest of our life”. Smiling, he held her closely to his bosom and let her hear his heart, his heart, calling her name, only her name. Then she finally said, “I thought I was going to lose you…I don’t want to be alone, not without you…” He kissed her and said “You were never alone.”

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