Sunday, September 14, 2008

My Ending

I made this last year since it was a requirement for our CLE class.
I've edited it for publishing purposes.

NOTE: I am an admitted lesbian, though it is not one of my principles to post anything with malicious content concerning the said matter. I just hope you like it.
I accept comments and suggestions on my writing.

And this is how the story goes…

All of my life I have been wondering how my life would end. I believe that at one point in my life, when I have served my purpose and found eternal happiness, God would give me rest, a rest for eternity. And this time, I am to write how I would want my ‘ending’ to be.

It was the night before my 81st birthday. We were eating in a classy restaurant, me and the love of my life. Dimmed lights surrounded us with a candle light at the center. As we ate, we talked of our memories from the past (every bit we can remember). Remembering it all alone gave me a hard time, but whenever I would stop and think of what happened next, she would remember exactly how the rest of the story went. Slowly, we walked back to our home, and in a instant, I felt an exhilarating rush of blood as she grabbed my hand and held it in her hands - that feeling had never changed ever since the first time she held it. When we reached home, she took away her hand from my grasp and tightly wrapped her arms around me. We stood there, in each others' arms, wishing for that moment to last forever. Letting go of each other, we prepared ourselves for sleep, and as we lay down on the bed, we said our long ‘I love you’s to each other, hands intertwined.

Before I slept, I stared at the face beside me, sleeping like an angel. The face of the only person I have ever loved. I shed tears, tears of what seemed to be an unending happiness. I whispered then to her ear, “After all the hardships, we made it through, even if we had to go against the world, you were there with me, holding my hand. And after all those years, I've loved you more each and every day. Nothing has changed, and nothing will ever change.”

When I woke up the next morning, I found myself with my arms wrapped around my love. I slept again, so I could just make the moment seem longer. And once again, I woke up. There was this cold, different feeling around my arms…It was my love.

As I tried to awake my love, there was no movement nor any response. Again and again, I would call out her name; I would try and make her move, make her speak, make her open her eyes...Nothing. I broke down and cried…my love was gone.

You may be confused right now because this was supposed to be my ending,and not of another. but let me just tell you what happened next. I brought my love to the hospital, crying my heart out, ordering the doctors to do something...even if they couldn’t do anything anymore. I was broken.

A few days after I have regained my sanity, my love was buried at the cemetery. After the ceremonies, I waited for the crowd to disperse until I was the only one left. I lay on the grass beside my love’s final resting place. I closed my eyes, shed my last tears, and all was gone.

In the first part of the story, I said that your ending should come when you have served your purpose and obtained happiness. In my ending, I wanted to show that my ending would be the loss of the only source of my happiness. I have fulfilled my purpose, to love and be loved. My life ended when my love’s life did. And that’s how the story goes…

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